What is dental x-ray and why is it used?

What is dental x-ray and why is it used?

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What is dental x-ray and why is it used?

What is dental x-ray?

Dental x-ray graph is a technique for acquiring the image of invisible parts of bone and gingiva via x-ray use.

Why is dental x-ray taken?

Dental x-ray is a supportive method for diagnosing problems of teeth or jaws. For example, only large decays can be diagnosed with oral examination while early decays could be diagnosed with x-rays. Also, it could be determined which tooth causes the abscess and dental deformations, broken roots, cyst or tumors can be diagnosed.

Do dental x-ray graphs harm my child?

Radiation of modern technique dental x-ray is minimal. Therefore, it does not harm any child. On the contrary, the benefit coming from the x-ray is very clear, considering the diagnostics.

How many dental x-rays could be taken?

Mainly two types of dental x-rays can be taken, intra and extra oral. The graph is inserted outside in extra-oral x-rays while it is put inside in intra-oral. Generally, intra-oral graphs may show a couple of teeth and surrounding tissues while extra oral ones show a wider area including the jaw bones.

Dr. Ahmet KİĞILI

Dr. Ahmet KİĞILI

Dişhekimi / Prostodonti ve Estetik Diş Hekimliği

1986 yılında başladığı Gazi Üniversitesi Diş hekimliği Fakültesinden 1992 yılında mezun oldu.
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