Pediatric Dentistry – Pedodontics
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Gaining the habit of Tooth Brushing
Another common complaint I hear from the parents as a pedodontist is that children do not brush their teeth sufficiently. The easiest and best method for gaining this habit is to begin tooth brushing in early ages. As pediatric dentists, we advise parents to clean the teeth of their children as soon as their first […]
Read MoreOral-Dental Care for my baby
Question: When should my baby first visit a dentist? Answer: First dentist visit should be done when the first tooth comes out or on the first birthday. Do not forget that early diagnosis is the first step in prevention of problems that may occur later. Parents, podiatrists and dentists think differently on the topic of first dentist […]
Read MoreA breakthrough in prevention of tooth decays; lollipops
Tooth decay is a contagious and infectious disease and it is transmitted to child from parents first. Xylitol affects st. mutans directly, which is responsible of tooth decay and play an important role in prevention of caries. Lollipops which just got into the market as a protective system against caries, is a simple and efficient […]
Read MoreTooth decay risk analysis
Tooth decay is an infectious disease. In today’s modern dentistry, it has been understood that biofilm plays an important role in formation of tooth decays. Biofilm layer is a protective layer present in every mouth which contains approximately 700 bacteria. In individuals who have high risk of caries, biofilm layer is formed by %96 pathogen […]
Read MoreFissure Sealants
Fissure Sealant is a fluent substance that covers the masticator surfaces of molar teeth and protects the teeth against caries. First molar teeth erupt in the ages between 5 and 7 in children. Second molar teeth become visible in mouth in 11 -14 in children. Researches showed that %90 of tooth decays begin in the […]
Read MoreOral and Dental Health for disabled people
The definition of disability is inability to do basic daily activities such as walking, hearing, seeing, breathing, standing up, reading, studying, talking, learning, thinking etc. due to physical or mental limitations. According to the research conducted by UNESCO, %10 of Turkish population is considered to be disabled. Research showed that frequency of oral and dental […]
Read MoreWhen do the teeth erupt?
When do the teeth erupt? The first tooth erupts approximately in the middle of the 7th month. However, sometimes the first tooth appears early in the third month and sometimes it hangs until the end of a year. Tooth eruption usually obeys hereditary order, thus it is possible that it will be same if your or […]
Read MorePacifiers and Dental Health of Babies
Pacifiers and Dental Health of Babies Is pacifier a safer thing than thumb sucking for my baby’s teeth? Usually, both habits affect the position of front teeth. Pacifiers may have bigger effect than thumb because pacifier is an elastic object which is deformed when pressurized and tries to return back to its natural shape later […]
Read MoreBaby Bottle Tooth Decay
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Baby bottle tooth decay will surprise and concern the mothers at first sight. Living through these conditions usually occurs in families who do not care adequately in their own oral and dental health. It is expected from people who are aware of the importance of oral and dental health to pass […]
Read MorePediatric Orthodontics
Pediatric Orthodontics Most of the orthodontic problems occur due to early loss of teeth caused by caries formation in milk teeth. Early extraction of milk teeth will cause the space which is necessary for permanent teeth to be lost and therefore erupting permanent teeth will not find space in mouth. In some cases, even when […]
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