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Cross infection: microorganisms are transferred between patients, dentists, assistants and even dental technicians easily. This type of infection is named as cross infection. Sterilization: sterilization is killing all the microorganisms including bacterial and fungal spores. Disinfection: It is removal of pathogen microorganisms or their inactivation. Sterilization and disinfection methods which should be used during their treatment services is their global right. Confident begins educating doctors and assistants in in-company education courses with sterilization, disinfection and prevention of infection. No compromise principles of this discipline are; “hands are washed before seeing each patient.”, “examination table sheets are changed befpre every patient”, “Surfaces which will be used are cleaned with disinfectants before every patient”, “single use glass, aspirator, gloves, patient scrubs are used”. All the treatment devices are used after they are exposed to ultrasonic cleaning, disinfection and autoclave”, “sitting surfaces of chairs of patients are cleaned with pressurized steam and disinfectants. “single use rubber dams are used during endodontic treatment of patients. Intra oral sterile environment is brought to maximum with use of rubber dams.” “protective eye glasses are used for prevention of microorganism spread from the mouth of patients during their treatments” “all measurements of patients and prostheses are applied after disinfection with disinfectant sprays” “digital records are kept showing that each treatment device is taken out of the autoclave sterile and kept weekly.” “In order to protect the world from the damage caused by medical waste, it is now possible to control this waste systemically for destroying it ideally. Medical waste control, which have been used for 25 years in developed countries, became law in Turkey in 1993. Gathering these wastes and destroying them is conducted by medical waste units of municipal governments. Confident oral and dental health center is applying medical waste agreement with Municipality of Şişli since 1999. Needles, single use materials, dentistry drug and material remnants, all used patient cups, patient sheet etc. are categorized and turned into medical waste units of municipality of Şişli according to regulations. The most important principle is not to mix normal waste with medical wastes.

Protection of environmental health will be possible with destroying medical wastes within regulations. In Istanbul, burning method which is being used by ISTAÇ is used for destruction of medical wastes. During burning medical wastes, high amount of heat and energy is produced. High heat is an efficient method in destruction of pathologic microorganisms. Smell is also prevented with high heat levels. Basic Applications: Vaccination: Dentists and personnel must be vaccinated for tuberculosis, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus. Their tests for hepatitis should be done regularly and they should be vaccinated against hepatitis. Prevention of droplets: It is a fact that most of the diseases that could spread with droplets can be prevented with use of rubber-dams. Protection of the eyes: protection of the eye is necessary for prevention of transfer of a virus to the conjunctiva. Use of eyeglasses minimalizes this risk. Use of masks: an approach to a patient for treatment purposes cannot be thought of without using masks in our day. Mechanic, ultrasonic, pressurized steam sterilizations are used in Confident clinics. All the gloves, masks, patient scrubs, injectors, cups, suctions, rubber dams are single use materials. These single use materials reduce the risk of infections to minimum. Protection of hands and skin mucosa: in order to prevent cross infections, washing the hands with disinfectant solutions before wearing gloves should not be forgotten. Dentist and supportive personnel must wear gloves during treatment. Patient scrubs: Making them wear single use scrubs during treatment is important for infection control. Cross infection control: Research has shown that dentists are more sensitive about cross infections than others. However, dentists and supportive personnel carry a higher risk about catching these disease. It is inevitable to take all the precautions in order to prevent infections.

Dr. Ahmet KİĞILI

Dr. Ahmet KİĞILI

Dişhekimi / Prostodonti ve Estetik Diş Hekimliği

1986 yılında başladığı Gazi Üniversitesi Diş hekimliği Fakültesinden 1992 yılında mezun oldu.
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