Falling off of a permanent tooth entirely

Falling off of a permanent tooth entirely

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Falling off of a permanent tooth entirely

Falling off of a permanent tooth entirelyFirst of all, fallen tooth should be found. Found tooth should be gripped on the crown. Holding the tooth on the root should be avoided for prevention of further damage. If the tissues in the root get damaged further, it will not be possible for the tooth to hold onto its socket. Foreign substances on the tooth should be washed by holding on the crown and putting it under the water.Rubbing must be avoided during washing and brushes must not be used.First of all, inserting the tooth back to its socket should be tried.Excessive force must be avoided while inserting the tooth back. Otherwise, serious damage may be done to tooth and its socket.If the tooth could be reinserted back to its socket, it should be warmed with a clean gauze bandage.A dentist should be consulted as soon as possible.If the tooth could not be inserted back, it should be kept in a milk or water until a dentist is reached.Dentist must be consulted as soon as possible in order to prevent further damage to the dental tissues and regaining the tooth.
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