Lip and cheek injuries

Lip and cheek injuries

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Lip and cheek injuries

Wounded area should be washed with warm water. Cold compress should be applied on the cheek or lip. If the wound is too large and bleeding persists, consult a dentist or closest emergency room Bleedings that occur after tooth pull-outs Slight bleedings after tooth pull-outs are normal If there is a severe bleeding you should consult a dentist or closest health establishment. If there is a bleeding like leakage, pres the wound site with a gauze bandage and keep it for half an hour. If bleeding still persists, the most proper approach would be to consult a dentist. If it is not possible, wet tea bag and cover it with gauze bandage and apply it on the pulling site. Minerals that help blood clotting which are present in the tea leaf will help stopping the bleeding in half an hour. If you still cannot get results, consult a dentist or close health establishment.
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